Lifting The Lid On Advanced Bowel Cancer - (download only)
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A Bowel Cancer Australia report that highlights the impact of advanced bowel cancer in the country.
Bowel cancer is Australia's second deadliest cancer, and more than 40,000 Australians are projected to die from the disease over the next 10 years.
Yet, funding for advanced bowel cancer does not match the burden of disease.
The report recommends the following priority actions:
- Address investment inequities in cancer research, awareness and support services
- Ensure treatment reimbursement decisions take into account the limited options available
- Collection of national data on advanced bowel cancer to better inform treatment decisions
- Mandate an 'opt-out' system for molecular research to speed-up research efforts
According to Associate Professor Nick Pavlakis, Cancer Specialist at Royal North Shore Hospital: "Bowel cancer isn't a disease where we have seen major research breakthroughs and so consequently the number of available treatment approaches are limited.